Escort Fuel Level Sensors. Integrator's Course V1.0

10000 ₽


This course is designed for both novices and experienced integrators of telematic devices. The former will learn how to install and use Escort fuel level sensors. The latter will be able to confirm their qualification, improve their knowledge of the subject and get a certificate.

The course consists of video lessons and exercises that help you better remember the contents of each video.

To finish the course and get the certificate you need to score 85% of all exercises and watch all the videos. Remember, you will have a limited amount of attempts to do every set of exercise that follows every lesson so be sure to watch every video attentively.

Авторы курса

  • EF

    Fuel Control Escort Monitoring Academy

Содержание курса

    • 1. Lesson 1 Basics of the satellite monitoring
      2. Exercises Lesson 1
    • 1. Lesson 2 Fuel Level Sensors Escort TD: Purpose and Use
      2. Exercises Lesson 2
    • 1. Lesson 3 Tank preparation before installing the sensor
      2. Exercises Lesson 3
    • 1. Lesson 4 Preparation of the sensor. Measuring the length and cutting the tubes
      2. How to extend length Escort sensors when installing on storage tanks
      3. Exercises Lesson 4
    • 1. Lesson 5 Selecting operating mode of the sensor and other settings
      2. Exercises Lesson 5
      3. Frequency and impulse modes
    • 1. Lesson 6 Sensor calibration
      2. Exercises Lesson 6
    • 1. Lesson 7 Sensor installation. Tank calibration. Filtration.
      2. FLS Escort: Sensor and tank calibrations in analog mode
      3. Exercises Lesson 7
    • 1. Lesson 8 Basic diagnostics on fuel level sensors
      2. Lesson 8_1 FLS power consumption and continuity checks
      3. Lesson 8_2 CNT values in diagnostics. Codes 6500 and 7000
      4. Exercises Lesson 8
      5. Wired sensor's normal voltage and power draw values
    • 1. Lesson 9 Data transmission. Connecting the FLS with the GPS tracker
      2. Lesson 9_1 Connecting wired FLS
      3. Exercises Lesson 9
    • 1. Lesson 10 Configuring the "Sensor-to-Tracker" connection
      2. Exercises Lesson 10
    • 1. Lesson 11 Monitoring platform: Data processing and reports
      2. Lesson 11_1 Configuring several FLS and theft notifications
      3. Lesson 11_2 Report analysis. False thefts
      4. Exercises Lesson 11
    • 1. Lesson 12 Wireless fuel level sensor TD-BLE
      2. Exercises Lesson 12
    • 1. Lesson 13 Connecting TD-BLE sensors with GPS trackers
      2. Exercises Lesson 13
    • 1. Lesson 14 TD-BLE diagnostics
      2. Appendix to lesson 14
      3. Exercises Lesson 14